
Summer 2024 financial aid voucher period begins April 15th 6月14日结束th. 电子校园将于4月15日开放购书th.

校园商店标志位于Warrick学生中心, the Campus Store has a large selection of supplies such as pens, folders, notebooks, 并提供书包以满足学生的需要. 我们也继续提供独家哈士奇精神穿.

此外,校园商店还可以使用校园网上书店和工作人员来帮助学生解决有关教科书的任何问题, ordering, etc.

There are select items from the Campus Store inventory available online. 点击下面的链接在校园商店购物.

网上购物 & Spirit wear


At MCCC, students purchase textbooks via the 校园网上书店. 点击下面的链接开始购物! Benefits of eCampus include reduced costs for required course materials, 简化的订购流程, guaranteed buyback amounts listed on select materials and year-round buyback options, 2-3天免运费, 价格匹配保证和奖励计划-通过与选定的供应商在线购物,在您的eccampus帐户上获得积分.


eCampus orders can be shipped to the Campus Store or directly to a student’s residence. 当学生的订单到达并准备领取时,通知将发送到学生的电子邮件帐户. 发送到校园商店的货物可以在下列校园商店开放时间内由学生领取. A form of personal identification is necessary for pick up.

请注意,任何订单未被 本学期的最后一天 will be returned to eCampus with NO REFUND back to the student.  包括租来的书的订单需要在到期日之前通过您的在线书店文件返回 这本书的费用是多少.  如有任何问题,请咨询校园商店工作人员.

Various payment methods are accepted on the 校园网上书店 website, 比如信用卡和借记卡, Paypal, financial aid, 图书回购, 通过奖励计划和礼品卡获得的积分(可在校园商店亲自购买).

Important Info About Purchasing Textbooks/eBooks and Materials

以下是所有购买教科书和课程材料的学生应该阅读的关于出版商访问代码的重要信息, 退货政策, 图书回购等等.

1.  什么是存取码?
访问码是一种多字符代码,作为访问电子教科书或其他数字学习材料的钥匙. An access code may be supplied within a textbook bundle, a printed copy or in an email. 访问码通常用于Brightspace或由电子教科书出版商或第三方平台(如google)运营的特定网站.g., Labster, etc.).

2.  我的班级需要访问码吗?
在大多数情况下,是的. 如果标记了访问码 Required 在校园网上书店买, at least part of your grade will be related to and/or come from the online content. 如果标记了访问码 Optional 在校园网上书店买, 这通常意味着这些材料是对课程计划的补充,并将增强你对课程材料的整体理解.

3. 我如何购买发行商访问码?
You can purchase access codes through the 校园网上书店  http://monroeccc.ecampus.com/.  要登录网上书店,你需要你的 学生电邮地址 and password 为您的学生电子邮件帐户.  电子邮件帐户协助please contact the Testing Center Help Desk at (734)-384-4255, Information Systems Help Desk at (734)-384-4234 or follow this link http://46.epicreward.net/emailFor further assistance navigating the 校园网上书店, please see the 校园说明文件 for step-by-step guidelines or contact the Campus Store at 734.384.4140. 一旦你的购买完成, 所有的数字材料都可以在电子校园网上书店的数字书架上找到. Digital course materials are typically available within two hours of purchase.

4. 购买密码后,我应该怎样做?
The best place to start is in your MCCC Brightspace course. 教师通常会在课程大纲或Brightspace课程“内容”区域发布访问其特定出版商材料的说明. 为了回报目的, 强烈建议在你确定你将继续学习课程之前,不要访问任何数字内容. For a complete 校园网上书店 return policy, please see http://46.epicreward.net/bookstore.

5.  有关于使用访问码的教程吗?*
Below are several video tutorials for the most popular publishers:

*请务必先与您的讲师或课程大纲检查与出版商内容和注册相关的具体说明. Also, 查看混合课程和在线课程的课程信息表,了解与您的教科书和访问代码相关的任何信息。 

6. 您是否在任何课程中使用圣智无限?

A single Cengage Unlimited access code can be used for multiple classes.  如果你正在上几门课,并将Cengage Unlimited作为必修文本的选项之一, 您只需要购买一个代码,它将提供访问这些课程的所有材料.  In addition, a rental copy of any course materials is available at a cost of $7.通过您的圣信档案.  点击“购买选项”选项卡.  你必须提供你的送货地址,然后发行商会直接送货给你.


7. Did you purchase a Pearson “combo” access code for a class?

对于提供“组合”门禁卡的课程, 这包括一本免费的书,可以通过你的出版商申请.  点击“购买选项”选项卡 and then select “Redeem a Prepaid Print Book”.  你必须提供你的送货地址,然后发行商会直接送货给你.

8.  如果我的访问码有问题,我该怎么办?

All publishers have student tech support for their learning products. Below are links to the major publisher’s student support pages, as well as tips for working with publisher customer support:


  • 如有可能,请在非繁忙时间联络出版商.e.早上8-11点.m. or 2-4 p.m.). 如果可能的话,避免在中午和下午5点打电话.m. 
  • Be sure to get an incident ticket number from the publisher tech support representative. Write down your incident ticket number and have it available for follow up calls, if necessary, 或者和你的老师分享, mcc电子学习部, etc.  
  • 打电话、聊天等. 与发行商技术支持代表联系, be kind, 但也要坚定——不要离开电话, chat, etc. 没有他们理解你的问题,也没有提供跟进或解决的时间框架.  
  • 如果你觉得发行商的支持人员不能帮助你,不要害怕要求与经理交谈.  
  • 如果发行商支持人员告诉你问题出在学校的十大外围app系统(LMS)上,不要接受.e.Brightspace). 同样,如果你觉得支持你的人没有帮助你,不要害怕要求和经理谈谈.

9. 访问码的一些典型问题是什么?  

  • A student created their publisher account using a personal email (Tip: always use your MCCC college email account to create your publisher accounts).  
  • 学生输入错误的电子邮件地址 
  • A student has an old publisher account using another college’s email

10. Where can I go at MCCC for assistance with my access code?
如果你的发行商访问代码有问题,首先要和你的指导老师确认一下. Next, you can visit the Student Success Center in Founders Hall for one-on-one assistance. Additionally, you can contact the e-Learning Help Desk at 734.384.4328请求额外援助.


  • 所有退货都需要现金收银收据.
  • 在购买日期的两(2)周内,对于任何未开封的物品,如在原始包装中附有标签,则给予全额退款.  快速学习参考指南是
  • 退款以与付款相同的形式发出.  Purchases by check require a 10 business day waiting period to receive a cash refund.  Purchases by credit card require the credit card to process returns.

通过十大外围app在线书店出售或租赁的课程材料将被eccampus接受.com up to 30 days after the book ships or after the course start date, whichever is later. 对于开学晚的课程, books can be returned and up to 15 days after the course start date. 所有退货必须有退货商品授权号码,以确保退货过程成功完成.  当学生在他们的eccampus个人资料中通过我的帐户完成退货时,会生成退货商品授权号码..  Return reasons may include cancelled class, change of mind, order fulfillment error, etc. 退货可以由学生或通过校园商店寄回,没有补货费,但需要支付退货运费.

数字课程材料只有在内容未被访问的情况下才有资格返回, 赎回/打开. 如果打开/访问, digital textbooks may still qualify for a return if certain conditions are met; digital textbook was purchased within the last 2 weeks, 20% of the digital textbook has not been viewed or printed, digital textbook must be in online mode (cannot be in offline mode). Redeemed/opened courseware codes are also evaluated on a case-by-case basis, 退回的批准将由出版商决定. 数字内容包括在线课件, 数字门禁卡, 打印门禁卡, 及数码教材.  Contact the eCampus Customer Service department to ask if a refund is possible.

To return rentals, you may visit the Campus Store to process the return or go to 十大外围app Online Bookstore (ecampus.com) 并选择“回租”. 登录到您的My Account eccampus个人资料,选择“免费归还我的租赁物品”,并按照提示获取装箱单和归还标签.

以避免任何更换费用, please ensure your rental package is in transit with UPS before the rental period ends.

根据租赁条款和条件, 对于未在到期日之前归还的租赁物品副本,您的信用卡/借记卡档案将按公平市场价值收取费用. This allows eCampus to replace the item(s) in their inventory.

If your item is checked into the eCampus warehouse inventory within 到期日1-14天,他们会退款的 75 percent 这本书的全部责任. If your item is checked into their warehouse inventory within 到期日的15-30天,学校将退款 50 percent 充满电的时候.

超过到期日30天后 这些东西还没有托运, 他们不再有资格获得退款. If you no longer need this book and it's 30 days after the due date, 我们建议您访问eccampus网站, www.ecampus.com, and select Sell Your Books to possibly sell your item(s). 你也可以考虑把它们列在 www.ecampus.com/mp.

You may also keep the book(s) because you do own them after the charge has been processed. 如有任何关于租金返还费用或其他问题,请联系eccampus客户服务部门.

When checking out, you will have access to the aid that has been awarded to you.  Select that option for your payment method and utilize those funds for your purchases.  任何剩余的资金也可以在校园商店中使用,不包括精神服.  For any questions or issues regarding financial aid funds shown in your Online Bookstore, please contact the Campus Store for assistance at (734) 384-4140.



Call eCampus customer service at (859) 209-6958 between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. 星期一至星期五 or the MCCC Campus Store at (734) 384-4140 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 星期一至星期五.

随时在网上出售你的书! eccampus提供预付的UPS运输标签来运送书籍,并提供四种灵活的支付方式:PayPal, Check, 直接存款, 和店内积分. http://monroeccc.ecampus.com/




Campus Store


Phone Icon (734) 384-4140


夏季(5月6日- 8月6日. 9)
星期一至星期四:上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.